fuck the love
- casual mourning dress
- insanely conceptual garment sewed of abundance of negative creativity
- fairly seamless and higly existencial
fuck the love
- casual mourning dress
- insanely conceptual garment sewed of abundance of negative creativity
- fairly seamless and higly existencial
fuck the love
- casual mourning dress
- insanely conceptual garment sewed of abundance of negative creativity
- fairly seamless and higly existencial

Barbora Kovacova
Barbora, who are you?
Artist, designer, aesthet ?
On Monday, conceptual designer with many ideas and the constant restlesness to seek creative inspiration. Brand design student.
On Tuesday I'm photographer. In my hands Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign comming alive.
On Wednesday I'm getting visual and sometimes wake up at Thursday night, since my on details orientated nature and emphasis for consistency of design often prevails.
On Thursday one can't plan.
Friday, I just read. Studies of Aesthetic strenghten my interest in Arts and Philosophy even more.
Saturday is the hand-made day. Sewing, painting, making ceramics!
On Sunday I keep up to date with trends. Bar time. Collecting old's people wisdom, madness. Leaning on the wall and observing.